市 场 价:¥4580.00
场 地:美国(厂家直采)
AutoMate In Vivo Manual Gravity Perfusion System. Take the guesswork out of your new animal fixation system. Providing an option for scientists who would rather do science than design a system and source parts. Let AutoMate take the guesswork out of your new animal fixation system. Steady gravity-fed delivery of buffer and fixative, results in complete perfusion. Easy to set up, use and clean. Complete system with everything down to the needles. Fits in standard hoods at a fraction of the cost of a peristaltic pump and more reliable. One or two users can perfuse two mice simultaneously with the Double In Vivo system. Four reservoirs and two stopcocks are mounted for two independent wash buffer and fixative deliveries on the same ringstands. 2-way manual stopcock makes for easy one-handed operation to switch solutions.
Braintree Scientific,Inc .为医学研究人员提供研究设备和支持。我们为能够庆祝40多年来为生命科学行业的需求服务而感到自豪。我们将继续响应对新技术的需求,并致力于提供可为您提供帮助的产品。加上我们独特的产品和精选的产品,我们相信您会找到所需的一切。如果您找不到商品,请告诉我们,我们会为您找到或为您开发。我们承诺确保我们的产品具有最高的质量,我们的服务和价格是首屈一指的。我们可以一起迈向新的医学里程碑。