市 场 价:¥1500.00
场 地:美国(厂家直采)
With a ScruffGuard, you can handle and dose small animals gently, whilst avoiding bites and needlestick injuries. A ScruffGuard can be used to administer substances by subcutaneous, intraperitoneal and intramuscular routes. It can be used to implant microchips subcutaneously for identification purposes. A ScruffGuard is particularly helpful for trainees who are learning to handle small animals for the first time. Dimensions 16 × 15 × 8cm, made from Nylon material. Non-sterile, however the ScruffGuard may be autoclaved at a maximum of 121 degrees celsius.
Braintree Scientific,Inc .为医学研究人员提供研究设备和支持。我们为能够庆祝40多年来为生命科学行业的需求服务而感到自豪。我们将继续响应对新技术的需求,并致力于提供可为您提供帮助的产品。加上我们独特的产品和精选的产品,我们相信您会找到所需的一切。如果您找不到商品,请告诉我们,我们会为您找到或为您开发。我们承诺确保我们的产品具有最高的质量,我们的服务和价格是首屈一指的。我们可以一起迈向新的医学里程碑。